
Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Windchill temperature is 2 degrees.  It is 2 degrees because the West wind passes over the open waters of Lake Michigan and warms the air before it reaches us.  In Chicago on the other side of the Lake, the windchill is minus 12 degrees.  It is believed Lake Michigan has only frozen over once and that was in 1979. 

The edges of Lake Michigan freeze, but not the middle where the water is very deep.

The ice icicles are reaching for the ground and the snow piles are reaching for the roof.  Instead of a January thaw, this year we had a January blizzard.  While cold doesn't cause colds, everyone coped up together spreads viruses that cause the cold.  Tom is getting better, I am still miserable.  Katrinka, with her hind leg problems, doesn't want to go outside even when she has to go outside. 

We need a thaw!!

Squirrel teasing Izzy.

Squirrel eyeing the bird feeders and feeling brave as he hasn't seen the nippy white thing lately.  Yes, we have black squirrels.

Ice and snow meet.

Isabella, the Schnoodle, is a hunter from both sides of her lineage.  With  age catching up with Katrinka, Izzy has taken over keeping the squirrels out of the bird feeders and off the deck.  She is so small and fast she almost catches them while Katrinka just scared the living daylights out of them.  The snow outside the door to the deck is twice as tall as Izzy.  She sees a squirrel and wants to start a chase, but then the door is opened and she is faced with a wall of snow that is twice as tall as she is.

"I'm having a bad hair month as my groomer is on medical leave.  I can't get out and hunt.  I am miserable.  All I can do is watch the birds and TV."

However, I think spring might be coming.  Now instead of just a squirrel, frequently, we see two squirrels chasing each other around.  Two squirrels on the deck are just too two many for Izzy.  Even if she has to conquer that wall of snow, she has to run those squirrels off.

"I have to do it.  I have to triumph over that wall of snow."

Izzy is in the picture.  I am glad she blends in so well in the snow as we see eagles flying over the cottage everyday.  In the movie, The Proposal, an eagle picked up a little dog and if it happened in the movies it must be true.

"Where did the squirrel go?"

"I know it is here somewhere."

"I didn't sink in as deep as I thought I would."

"It is cold out here.  I'm heading to the couch and an afghan to get warm."

Katrinka is on her orthopedic bed dreaming of green grass and warm weather. 


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