I didn't have my camera or my phone when I went to Ryke's and met my friend in the cowboy hat so I am using the lovely picture I use for my Dutch Mexican Food posts.
I was laser focused on finding just the right cupcakes as they were all beautiful, the flavors traditional and/or unique. Of course, there was chocolate and red velvet, but there was also root beer and creamsicle cupcakes.
As well as focused, I can also be clueless to what is going on around me. The woman so nicely helping me make my decisions was wearing a green MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY shirt with a huge green cowboy hat adorned with a big MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY button. As I finished my cupcake section, I saw all these green cookies with MSU flags on them. I said, "Oh I must support my school, I will get a cookie too." She said, "Oh, good another vote." Voting? She said, "I am not dressed like this for nothing!" I am happy to report that on the big white board behind the clerk showed that MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY was winning the cookie vote and the rivalry of the two large state football teams is this weekend. Go Green!
There were also cookies with the political candidates for president. So of course, I had to buy one of them. Every vote counts. I then said, "Since I am here maybe I should buy something for myself." My lovely clerk immediately said, "Try a Holland Cream Chocolate Eclair, they are the best thing we make."
Now I should have said no. We are talking calories too many to count. I start my Pilate's classes tomorrow and yoga on Monday. But life is short!!!! I am pushing into a decade that frightens me. Health is important. I do try to watch what I eat. I do try. I exercise. However, I am going to sample the joys that come my way in the time I have left be it is an incredible Holland Cream Chocolate Eclair or a fun night with friends which means a 100 mile round trip from Grand Haven to Grand Rapids for just a couple of hours of JOY. I want to be one of the ladies in the front seat.

Picture from www.facebook.com/day
Getting reacquainted with the members of my Class of 1961, has been one of the best things to happen to me since Tom's death. Some members of my class I never met when I was in high school. Now we have become best friends. One of those is Bonnie, who we all tease because she has no filter on her mouth and we all love her. See Bonnie: http://michigancottagecook.blogspot.com/2012/10/pulaski-days-grand-rapids-michigan-2012.html
Bonnie is leading my friends to help me remove the muzzle that has been on my mouth my whole life. I am learning to speak my truth, and eat without any guilt. I swear I have been on a diet since I was in high school. I am having so much fun. So Bonnie, this is for you:
Bonnie is leading my friends to help me remove the muzzle that has been on my mouth my whole life. I am learning to speak my truth, and eat without any guilt. I swear I have been on a diet since I was in high school. I am having so much fun. So Bonnie, this is for you:

From your ecards someecards. com taken off Facebook.
Since the Johnson/Goldwater election I have voted. It is so very important. I may have missed a school board election now and then, but I have never missed a major election. I am learning to speck my truth. I am grabbing the joys of life and friendship before it is my turn to "follow the light". If anyone wants to judge me for my muffin top that appears when I put on my jeans right out of the dryer, I say, "You deal with it. It represents JOY to me."
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