Bradley's first day of school.
Bradley was living in Renton, Washington when he started kindergarten. I was out there babysitting for him. We learned he couldn't start school until he could tie his shoes. Velcro shoes were not allowed. We started the task of learning to tie a bow when my oldest son reminded me of the way I had taught him the art of tying shoes. He said, I had forgotten all about this, "I told him my tape measure from my sewing box was "magic" and had him learning to tie bows with the cloth tape measure around his waist instead of the little ties on his shoes." My "magic" tape measure worked for another generation and Bradley was ready for school.
Bradley and I were counting the days before he was going to start school. Every morning we would count the days on a calendar. One day he got mad at his Mother and said, "Four days and I am out of here!"
I watch him when he has his music students' recitals. He is so good with his students and gets them to perform even better than they thought they could. He brings out their very best with quiet encouragement. I am so proud of him. His students will be lucky to have him in their school. Of course, Grandma isn't prejudice at all. I just state the facts!!!!

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