
Sunday, November 6, 2011


This link was sent to me by a friend whose family has grown blueberries since the 1940's.  The fake blueberries link adds evidence to my theory that we are raising a whole generation of children who do not know what real food tastes like without chemicals.

When I worked in a school system I learned that the students didn't want to eat anything that didn't look like it came from a fast food restaurants.  I have two grand daughters who were shocked to learn, when they came to Grandma and Grandpa's house, that chicken meat had bones.  They were raised on skinless, boneless chicken breasts and were grossed out that there were bones in chicken.

Homemade cakes and puddings don't taste right to young people as they do not have the background taste of the chemicals used to keep the ingredients in the boxes fresh. 

The huge chemical companies only came into being during World War II in the 1940's.  In just 70 years since the chemical companies were founded,  chemicals are now found every where.  There are chemicals in all our lakes, breast milk, and our bodies.  To me it is all rather frightening.  

Fake blueberries are found in our famous brands, Betty Crocker and Kellogg, not just cheap brands trying to imitate a famous brand.  If you have ever bitten into a flake blueberry thinking you had taken a blueberry muffin from a tray you know how horrible they are. I hope you find this link informative.

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