
Wednesday, December 1, 2010


We had good news yesterday. When we started on this cancer journey, the first Chemo "A" the doctor tried was the silver bullet. It was a very new way to use three drugs together, very expensive and very thoroughly researched. It didn't work.  This is a frightening thing to learn.  But we pushed on.  Our wonderful doctor found another direction in which to go, Chemo "B".  After the first round of the "B" we learned yesterday that the CAT scan had shown shrinkage of the tumors.  We found this good news to take into the holiday season and we are thankful.

For an outsider, you would think that hanging around a Chemo Room would be a depressing way to spend a day; however, it is a positive place where you make instant friends who really care.  There is frequent good news which causes all of us to rejoice with the person who receives the news.  There is hope.  Everyday there is something new or some new combination of drugs which gives hope.  No one discusses their cancer.  They discuss their treatments, their respect for their doctor, and the miracles of modern medicine.  As we man told us, "As long as I am looking down at the grass, I'm great."

So whatever road you travel that is difficult, keep trying.  We are there with you as we are dancing in the rain too.

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