
Wednesday, October 6, 2010


In Western Michigan at the intersection of US-31 and M-50 is a pumpkin/fall season wonderland. 

Welcome to Green Acres.  Remember you can double-click on a picture to enlarge it.

Think you can find the right pumpkin out of this pile?

Or would you rather have a giant pumpkin?

There are decorated pumpkins.

Little painted pumpkins.

Gourds shaped like big apples.

Gourds shaped like swans.

Multi-colored squash.

Even more squash.

Pumpkins decorated with dried flowers.

Miniature gourds in many colors.

How about a blue pumpkin?

Or a pumpkin that looks like it has peanut shells on it?

Or do your tastes run to ghost white pumpkins?

Then there are pumpkins with warts.

Pie pumpkins for cooking.  Does anyone want me to show them a quick and easy way to cook them?

Can't have pumpkins without one for Cinderella.

And an orange lace pumpkin to make a dress for Cinderella.

Enough pumpkins?  How about some Mums?

Or even bigger sizes of Mums.  Green Acres can make your decorating for fall into a fanasty.

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