
Thursday, October 28, 2010


Leeks look like giant over-sized green onions.

I associate Leek Soup with heavy, creamy soups. This Dutch Leek Soup is light and healthy. The recipe is courtesy of the United Methodist Women of the First United Methodist Church of Holland, Michigan. They prepare this soup when they do lunches and dinners for the Holland Tulip Festival. They recommend serving it with a baguette and butter. Tom and I just gobbled it up plain. I had only made a half a recipe as there is just the two of us. Next time Tom demands! I make the full recipe as it is THAT! good!!

Top soup with grated cheese and serve extra cheese in a bowl.  Enjoy!!!

Maggi Seasoning is according to Wikipedia, "Maggi" is still synonymous with the brand's "Maggi-Würze" (Maggi seasoning sauce), a dark, hydrolyzed vegetable protein based sauce which is very similar to East Asian soy sauce without actually containing soy. It was introduced in 1886, as a cheap substitute meat extract.” Maggi popularity has spread out of Europe to the rest of the world. It is very salty and should be used with care; however, it adds that special something that sends you back into the bowl for more.

A little bottle will go a long way as it is salty but good.

I used a small-sized macaroni, Ditali, for this soup as I did not want to over-power the size of the other ingredients. I definitely like the celery flavor and even though it is listed as an optional ingredient, I will always add it.

Lyden cheese is what the church uses with their soup. I used Gouda. Lyden cheese contains cumin seeds and I will eat it, but it is not my favorite cheese. I love Gouda. Good Gouda can be found at:

Leeks can be very dirty and sandy. I finely slice them.  Then rinse them well in a colander. I use my fingers to “fluff” or separate the slices into individual rings.

2 T butter
4 leeks, finely sliced and thoroughly rinsed
8 c chicken or vegetable stock
½ c macaroni, any type
1 t Maggi soup seasoning
½ c celery, chopped, optional
3 c cheese, grated, mild Gouda or Lyden
Salt and pepper to taste

Ingredients:  Leeks, celery, butter, chicken broth, macaroni, Maggi seasoning, Gouda cheese, salt and pepper.

In a 3-quart saucepan, melt butter.  Add leeks and celery; saute for 5 minutes.  Do let them brown.  Add stock and bring to a boil. Stir in macaroni and cook for 10 to 20 minutes until tender. Add salt, pepper and Maggi seasoning to taste.  Just before serving, sprinkle some of the grated cheese over the soup. Serve with the extra cheese in a separate bowl at the table.

Thinly slice leeks.

Rinse well to remove sand and dirt.

Chop celery.

Melt butter in a saucepan.

Add leeks and celery; saute for 5 mintues.

Measure out macaroni.

Remove wax from cheese.

Grate cheese.

Leeks and celery after sauteing for 5 minutes.

Add broth and bring mixture to a boil.

Add macaroni.  Cook until the macaroni is tender. 

Soup ready to be seasoned.

Add Maggi Seasoning, salt and pepper to taste.

Add cheese to soup bowl.  What a wonderful Dutch treat!!!  Enjoy??

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